The Mommy Files: Unsolicited Feedback Rocks!

Other Mothered actresses
Maggie Rogers (left) and Christine Walters in an “Other Mothered” segment

This morning, while I unpacked clean laundry from the laundry basket — only because it was time to fill it with dirty laundry again — my phone pinged to let me know I had an e-mail. In true Pavlovian fashion, I immediately checked it. It was not, as I expected, a Facebook comment, piling on more congratulations for a friend celebrating her anniversary (I really ought to stop following that conversation), or another reminder from Peapod that if I place one more grocery order before Halloween I’ll earn two free deliveries (I began having groceries delivered by Peapod when KFP was 2 and used to scream bloody murder in grocery stores, and I still occasionally use Peapod when I have a busy week). No, instead of any expected, ordinary e-mail, I got something completely awesome: a comment from writer/comedian Christine Walters, whose “Other Mothered” segments on Nick Mom I’d referenced in my recent post, “You’ve Been Other Mothered.”

She commented to say that she’s glad that I like her segments and to point out there’s a new “Other Mothered” video segment on the site, called “The Science Fair.” I just checked it out, and you should, too. This one has only one line (uttered by Christine) and is a classic comedy moment. When you’re done watching that, check out the rest of the “Other Mothered” segments, and you’ll see why I love them so much. I guarantee, if you’re a parent, you’ll find at least one of them you swear was taken from your personal experience.

Maybe for you, like Christine’s comment did for me, they’ll bring some smiles to your laundry day.

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